
oh, rexy, you're sooo sexy!

actually, i just have to say, among all the other things that occupy my mind at any given time, and all the things that are significantly more important...

the sexiest man i know at this time is one i see virtually every single day and we'll just call him "Byron" because that's probably the best name i can create for him. Lord Byron? yes. sexy, sexy, sexy.


Domme Chronicles: Sometimes

Domme Chronicles: Sometimes: "Sometimes my passion wanes, and it is not you and it is not me, it just is. Sometimes you feel so close to me, like you are inside me, lik..."

This post really really really got to me and I have cried for a while since I read it. The vulnerability of being a human and having emotions...


physical imperfections that i love about myself, pt. 1

i have this little indented scar above my left eyebrow. i think it's probably left over from childhood chicken pox, or some monstrous zit that i somehow don't recall (super unlikely, since i've had it for ages and i didn't have "bad" skin until my early 20s). it looks almost like a dimple, but is clearly a scar of some sort. normally, this would upset me, but since being imperfect is an ideal that i cling to, i am choosing to accept that "imperfection" also manifests in the physical realm. and this little scar? it makes me just a tad more unique.


at this speed it makes no difference

i am hopping on an airplane in a couple of hours. going to my home state to see my history and my future.

i am always nervous when i fly, as i have still only done so 6-10 times in my life. every time we take off or land, i start pseudo-praying, though i'm not religious and i don't know who i am praying to. i just want to put it out into the universe in those potentially final moments that i love jack and eli (and a number of other people) and that if the transition from ground to air/air to ground goes awry, i want those people to know that i love them.

every time i think i am going to be okay and i am... until i'm buckled into my uncomfortable seat with that stupid overhead vent blowing into my eyeball no matter where i turn it... and then i get nervous.

so people... please, if anything horrible happens to me tonight (or on my return flight on tuesday)... make sure those people know.

okay, i'm going to catch a plane now. you all have a great weekend. <3