

my phone no longer works. i have deactivated my facebook account. i will no longer be on gchat or aim. i cannot deal with people anymore.



i was going to delete all of my internet profiles tonight. then i decided that they may be the only way my boys can ever know me in the future.



People who know me well (and some who don't) know that I have a love of non-boring socks. With that in mind, I decided to make this entire post about some of the socks and stockings I adore (and want to own, in case anyone feels like buying me presents) from one of my favorite sites, Sock Dreams.

These kinda make me think of an alt version of Alice in Wonderland

Super long, super stripey, super cute.

Rainbow loooooove.

A little bit winter holiday-ish.

Terrific teal, almost argyle.

Giraffe? Giraffe!

At least your legs can be formal.

Totally awesome, totally currently sold out. Sadface.

Button up!

I also love skeleton keys.

Oh, the cute manatees!

Solar power

Unicorns may not exist, but I'm glad these socks do.


Sexy, sexy

Okay, so that's only a small portion of the things I love on their site, but for the sake of not just posting everything, I've narrowed down the list. They also sell tights, shorter socks if you're not into the lengthier versions, petticoats, garter belts, and more. I'm sure I will make more posts similar to this, sharing other things I like, so if you enjoyed this one, keep an eye out for others.


I am at work, and that means I am frequently acquiring Diet Coke from the vending machine in our kitchen. When I made my first trip in there this morning, I noticed that they restocked the snack machine and this time, it includes Bugles.

I wrestled with myself mentally for at least 30 seconds on whether or not to buy them, but eventually decided against the purchase for the simple fact that the ONLY reason I wanted them was so I could put them on my fingertips.

As I told my bff, you just never outgrow some things.



despite a brief period of unpleasant reality tonight, i am determined to just follow through with what i know is best, no matter what.

that determination has reminded me to think more about the positives.

today and yesterday and the day before were sunny and warm, which sounds normal for may, but in the midwest, you never know. i did some volunteer work on saturday, which lifted my spirits and made me feel like i at least tried to make a difference. i am hoping to explore more opportunities soon. sunday, i got a bit of sun on my face and helped the roommate finish removing the old crappy tiles from our secondhand patio set, so it can be re-tiled.

today was spent with good conversation and a lot of completed projects at work, resulting in even more feelings of accomplishment. tomorrow, i meet some new people and attempt to move forward with more positive, genuine and interesting folks in my life, to accompany the few who have been a part of me for some time now. it's time to once again show that side of myself who is outgoing, diplomatic and charming.

y'all check back to find out what's next!