
what does one do with $400 worth of rubber flooring?

this is a question that the roomie and i have been asking ourselves since our trip to menard's last night. i have almost settled on the idea that the buyer of the aforementioned flooring is planning to kill a lot of people and wants it to be a relatively easy cleanup. just hose down the floor and blood-be-gone!

someone in IT just came by and handed me a fancy Digipass for a new aspect of my job that i will be taking on very soon. it makes me feel important, somehow. then IT guy said that someone from "Credentials" would be contacting me regarding the digipass. I said, "Credentials? We have one of those departments here? That sounds very CIA." He agreed, but it turns out that they'll just be sending me an email with some info on how to set the whole thing up and link my pass to me specifically.

i had a meeting with my boss this morning to align invoices and purchase orders to specific projects that are ongoing. during this meeting we also discussed some additional responsibilities he intends for me to have on my plate, which is pretty exciting. not only does it mean that i am getting more hours, but more job security, too. really really nice.

in other news, there's a guy. things with that (whatever it is) are good. that is all i care to disclose at this time.

it's new bed shopping time. i am thrilled to be finally getting a new bed. i cannot wait to sink into new-soft-sheet-covered memory foamy luxury. this rainy day would have been perfect for such things.

since the roomie's birthday is monday, i promised him a homemade carrot cake. got my old supervisor's recipe, which happens to be the best one ever. i'm tempted to make a pre-birthday cake and just eat the entire thing myself. i figure the resulting hyperactivity will help me burn off the calories so it will balance out.

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